
We are happy to supply you with information that could help you with your post treatment in case you require it at another venue. If you are from overseas, we will forward all your dental records with us to your local dentist if you require them for follow-up actions.


What do I do after a surgical Root Canal?

For a fast and complete recovery, do the following:

  • You may experience soreness, tenderness or pain up to a week following an endodontic treatment.
  • You may take over the counter drugs like Voveran, Ibuprofen, Dolo etc.
  • If antibiotics are prescribed by your dentist, use them as instructed. The prescribed full course of antibiotics needs to be consumed, even if pain and swelling subsides before completing the prescription.
  • Avoid chewing on the side where the root canal was done even if it feels comfortable to do so. You may use the area only after the porcelain crown is placed.
  • The tooth must be restored within a month after the root canal treatment to avoid the risk of losing the temporary filling or fracture to the tooth.
  • If you encounter any other concerns, questions or severe pain, please feel free to contact us at the earliest.



What do I do after a dental implants surgery?
  • The surgical area should not be disturbed. No rinsing, spitting or touching the wound on the day of surgery. You will feel a metal healing abutment protruding through the gum tissue.
  • Follow prescription pain medications accurately. Do not take Aspirin or Aspirin based products while on prescription pain medications.
  • When antibiotics are prescribed, finish the full course even if pain swelling etc. subsides before the completionof antibiotics. In case you develop upset stomach or diarrhea, please call Doctor32 so that we can discuss alternative antibiotics if needed.
  • Swelling is normally expected. Try to reduce swelling by using an ice-pack every 15 minutes for at least 3 hours.
  • Chew only on the opposite side of your mouth. Avoid hard to- chew hot or spicy food. Retain some food in your stomach at all times to avoid irritation. Eat light food that requires minimal chewing; such as soup, oatmeal, scrambled eggs or smashed potatoes.
  • Slight bleeding is expected for several hours after surgery. If the bleeding is considerable; place a piece of moist gauze over both sides of the operated area. Apply pressure to both sides of the gauze for 20 minutes.
  • For 48 hours do not use toothbrush in the operated area. Even after that period only brush lightly. To maintain oral hygiene you may rinse every 2 hours after the first 48 hours. Use Saline water(half teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 glass of warm water) or a mild mouthwash. You may perform your routine dental hygiene procedures to the rest of the teeth.
  • No smoking for 24 hours after surgery. Smoking may increase pain, while it delays healing. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • You may engage in light regular activities, but refrain from strenuous efforts on the day of and the day after surgery.
If you have questions, worries or concerns, please contact one of the doctors at Dr32.



What do I do after Periodontal Surgery?
  • No rinsing the same day. Use prescription pain medication only as needed. Do not take Aspirin or Aspirin based products while on prescription pain medications.
  • Stop antibiotics only if your stomach is severely irritated. In such a situation call the Dr32 office immediately so that we can discuss alternative antibiotics if required.
  • Some swelling is expected. You can minimize swelling related discomforts by using an ice-pack at 15 minutes intervals for at least 3 hours.
  • We apply a surgical dressing over the operated area as a protective measure. Try not to disturb it. However, do not get alarmed if some pieces break off. Only if the operated area becomes exposed and painful, call our office.
  • Chew using the opposite side of your mouth. Avoid hard, hot or spicy foods. Retain some food in your stomach at all times to avoid irritation. Foods that require minimal chewing such as soup, oatmeal, scrambled eggs or smashed potatoes are ideal.
  • Bleeding can be expected for several hours after surgery. But if it does become excessive, place a piece of moist gauze over both sides of the operated area. Apply gentle pressure to the gauze on both sides for 30 minutes.
  • Make an intentional effort to skip the operated area while brushing. Observe this until after your post operative visit. To help maintain proper oral hygiene, you may rinse every 2 hours. Use saline warm water. (Half teaspoon salt in a glass full); or a mild mouthwash. Your routine dental hygiene procedures can be applied to the rest of the teeth.
  • Do not smoke for 24 hours after surgery. Smoking could increase pain and delay healing.
  • You can be engaged in your regular activities, but strenuous efforts must be avoided for 2 days after the surgery.
  • In case you have further concerns or questions, please be in touch with our office for professional assistance.
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